- 甘草 liquorice; licorice; Radix l ...
- 糖 sugar
- 甘草糖浆 glycyrrhiza syrup; licorice syrup; syrupus glycyrrhizae
- 甘草糖苷 glycyrrhizic acid
- 甘草 [中药] liquorice; licorice; radix liquiritiae; liquiritia glycyrrhiza; licorice root◇甘草粉 licorice powder; 甘草素 glycyrrhizin; 甘草提取物 licorice
- 虫草糖 cordycepose
- 香草糖 vanillin sugar
- 樱草糖 primeverose(glucose-6-o-d-xyloside)
- 草糖果盒 straw container for candy and fruit
- 冬虫夏草糖 cordycepose
- 筋骨草糖 ajugose
- 灵芝草糖浆 herba fomes japonicus juice
- 毛蕊草糖 verbascose
- 母草糖苷 vanderoside
- 嚏根草糖浆 the syrup of hellebore
- 香草糖浆 vanilla syrup
- 香草糖晶体 vanillin crystal
- 香草糖霜 vanilla cream
- 异樱草糖 isoprimeverose
- 醉鱼草糖苷 cuddleoside
- 甘草苷;甘草甜 glycyrr (h)izin
- 粉甘草 extract of glycyrrhiza
- 甘草醇 glycyrol
- 甘草店 gancaodian
- 甘草粉 licorice powder; liquorice powder
- Gumdrops , candy canes , licorice , caramel , honey crisp