休戚与共的命运 destinies that are interlinked; interests and destinies
甘苦 1.(喻美好和艰苦的处境) sweetness and bitterness; weal and woe 同甘苦, 共患难 share joys and sorrows; share weal and woe2.(体会到的滋味) hardships and difficulties experienced in work 甘苦自知。 one knows best what one has gone through with. 没搞过这种工作, 就不知道其中的甘苦。 you don't know how difficult the job is, unless you have done it yourself
That meant our students could learn comfortably although our teachers workload increased by 25 sessions . i must therefore thank all our staff for their indomitable spirit of team work 节,但学生却可舒舒服服地学习,因此,我不得不借此多谢本校同工的默默承受和甘苦与共的精神。