- calomel ointment
- mild mercurous chloride ointment
- 甘 pleasant; sweet
- 汞软膏 blue mass
- 甘汞软膏,弱氯化亚汞软膏 mild mercurous chloride ointment
- 氯化亚汞软膏,甘汞软膏 unguentum hydrargyri chloridi mitis
- 白降汞软膏 ammoniated mercury ointment
- 复方汞软膏 compound mercury ointment
- 红降汞软膏 ointment of red mercuric oxide
- 黄降汞软膏 ointment of yellow precipitate; yellow mercuric oxide ointment
- 强汞软膏 strong mercurial ointment
- 弱汞软膏 diluted mcrcurial ointment; diluted mercurial ointment; mild mercurial ointment
- 温和汞软膏 unguentum hydrargyri mite
- 硝酸汞软膏 mercuric nitrate ointment
- 氨基汞软膏,白降汞软膏 ung had; unguentum hydrargyria ammoniati dilutum
- 黄降汞软膏, 黄氧化汞软膏 unguentum hydrargyri oxidi flavi
- 氯化氨基汞软膏, 白降汞软膏 mercury ammoniated ointment; unguentum hydrargyri ammoniati
- 氯化氨基汞软膏,白降汞软膏 ammoniated mercury ointment; white precipitate ointment
- dilutum]氨基汞软膏 ung had
- 二氯化汞软膏 unguentum hydrargyri biochloridi
- 红碘儿汞软膏 red blister
- 红氧化汞软膏 red precipitate ointment
- 氯化氨基汞软膏 mercury ammoniated ointment
- 蓝色软膏,弱汞软膏,蓝油膏 blue ointment
- 甘汞 calomelas; calomelite calomel; horn mercury; hydragyrum chloratum; hydrargyri monochloridum; hydrargyrimonochloridum; kalomel; mercurial horn ore; mercuric horn ore; mercurous chloride; mercurouschloride; merkruhornerz; quick horn; sub-chloride of mercury
- 软膏 chrisma; ointment; paste; unguent; unguentum◇软膏刀 spatula
- 轻粉(甘汞) calomelas