Now happily, mrs. cadwallader had prepared him . 现在多亏卡德瓦拉德太太使他有了准备。
Che guevara smoothly argued the case for their competing revolution . 切格瓦拉心平气和地为他们搞的那种革命进行辨护。
Mrs. cadwallader detested high prices for everything that was not paid in kind . 凡是不能用实物换取的一切,卡德瓦拉太太都嫌价钱太贵。
Dorothea's engagement had no sooner been decided, than he had thought of mrs. cadwallader's prospective taunts . 多萝西娅刚把亲事定下,他便想到了卡德瓦拉德太太,预期中的揶揄。
"she is talking cottages and hospitals with him," said mrs. cadwallader, whose ears and power of interpretation were quick . “她正跟他谈村舍和医院的事,”卡德瓦拉德太太说,她的耳朵特别尖,一听便了如指掌。
He invited the leaders of the puerto rican independence party to his inauguration and unveiled a status of che guevara a few days later . 他邀请波多黎各独立党的领导人参加他的就职典礼,过了几天又举行了切格瓦拉塑像的揭幕典礼。
The battle took a thousand years , but varaha won 战役打了一千年,瓦拉哈取胜。
Dr . guevera himseif having dinner with your prey 嘉瓦拉医生正在和你的猎物进餐
But vlachko operates out of the security station here 不过瓦拉格不在控制范围
Oniy that dr . guevera is scheduied for a medicai procedure 嘉瓦拉医生将在11月2日