

  • 名词
    (似玉的石头) a jade-like stone



  • 例句与用法
  • Essential oils . oil of juniperus berries juniperus communis linnaeus
  • The feisty and athletic li lili in a role tailored made for her : a young sprinter enrolling in a sports college in shanghai
  • As she becomes a sports celebrity , she starts to mingle with the upper class and has almost forgotten the true essence of sports
  • Each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles , and each had a basin resting on four supports , cast with wreaths on each side
  • Now each stand had four bronze wheels with bronze axles , and its four feet had supports ; beneath the basin were cast supports with wreaths at each side
    王上7 : 30每盆座有四个铜轮、和铜轴小座的四角上在盆以下、有铸成的盆架、其旁都有珞。
  • And every base had four brasen wheels , and plates of brass : and the four corners thereof had undersetters : under the laver were undersetters molten , at the side of every addition
  • And every base had four brasen wheels , and plates of brass : and the four corners thereof had undersetters : under the laver were undersetters molten , at the side of every addition
    王上7 : 30每盆座有四个铜轮、和铜轴小座的四角上在盆以下、有铸成的盆架、其旁都有珞。
  • Honored with her were maya lin who designed the vietnam veterans memorial in washington d . c . dr . rita rossi colwell who became the first female director of the national science foundation in 1998
  • But she has not said she would run for president . honored with her were maya lin , who designed the vietnam veterans memorial in washington , d . c . ; dr . rita rossi colwell , who became the first female director of the national science foundation in 1998 ; and betty bumpers , a crusader for childhood immunizations who was clinton ' s predecessor as arkansas " first lady
  • But she has not said she would run for president . honored with her were maya lin , who designed the vietnam veterans memorial in washington , d . c . ; dr . rita rossi colwell , who became the first female director of the national science foundation in 1998 ; and betty bumpers , a for childhood immunizations who was clinton ' s predecessor as arkansas " first lady
  • 其他语种释义
  • 璎的法语:collier
  • 璎的日语:璎yīng 玉[ぎょく]に似た石の一種.
  • 璎的韩语:[명사] 옥(玉)과 비슷한 돌. 璎珞luò; 활용단어참조
  • 璎的俄语:pinyin:(璎 сокр. вм. ) сущ. 1) камень, похожий на яшму; самоцвет 2) ожерелье
  • 璎什么意思:(瓔) yīng ㄧㄥˉ 1)〔~珞〕古代一种用珠玉穿成串、戴在颈项上的装饰品。 璎珞
  • 推荐英语阅读
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