- theoretical performance prediction
- 理论 theory
- 动态 trends; general trend of aff ...
- 预测 calculate; forecast; prognos ...
- 动态预测 dynamic prediction; performance forecasting; performance prediction
- 国外理论动态 foreign theoretical trends
- 动态预测反褶积 dynamic predictive deconvolution
- 人口动态预测模型 model of population dynamic projection
- 系统动态预测模型 system dynamics predictive models
- 共态预测法 costate prediction method
- 动态预报 movement forecast
- 动态预览 with dynamic preview
- 比较静态预测 comparative static forecast
- 草原生态预测 prairie ecosystem forecasting
- 农业生态预测 agricultural ecosystem forecasting
- 三级共态预测 three-level costate prediction
- 比较的静态预测 comparative static forecast
- 地下水动态预报 groundwater regime forecasting
- 混合动态预留协议 hdrhybrid dynamic reservation protocol
- 系统动态预示模型 systems dynamics predictive model
- 理论预测 theoretical prediction
- 预测理论 prediction theory
- 带有动态预览的直方图和 x, y
- 动态分支预测 dynamic branch prediction
- 预测油层动态 predicted reservoir performance
- 动态理论 dynamic theory; regime theory