- 理气 regulate the flow of vital e ...
- 差别 difference; disparity; dissi ...
- 论 The Analects of Confucius
- 信仰无差别论 indifferentism
- 理气 [中医] regulate the flow of vital energy and remove obstruction toit◇理气剂 qi-regulating prescription; 理气药 qi-regulating drug
- 理气 理气 regulating vital energy
- 分别论 vibhavga
- 区别论 the theory of separation
- 差别 difference; disparity; dissimilarity; distinction; unlikeness 年龄差别 disparity in age; 数[质]量上的差别 quantitative [qualitative] difference; 仅是口味差别 dissimilar in tastes only; 社会结构上的差别 unlikeness in social struction; 男女差别 disparity between men and women; 毫无差别。 there is no difference at all. 二者之间差别很大。 there is a world of difference between the two. 实际上并无差别。 there is practically no difference
- 大气差 astronomic refraction; atmospheric refraction
- 蒙气差 astronomical refraction; atmospheric refraction; refraction
- 理气法 regulating qi-flowing method
- 理气剂 carminative recipes; carminativerecipes
- 理气药 qi regulating drug
- 该当别论 should be regarded as a different matter
- 另当别论 another pair of shoes; another cup of tea; different cup of tea; horse of another colour
- 认知鉴别论 cognitive appraisal theory
- 又作别论 another thing; an exception
- 地面蒙气差 terrestrial refraction
- 地平蒙气差 horizontal refraction
- 蒙气差常数 constant of refraction
- 蒙气差改正 refraction correction
- 脾气差的 spleen - good will
- 平均蒙气差 mean refraction
- 天文蒙气差 astronomical refraction; celestial refraction