

  • rational economic man
  • rationaleconomic mann



  • 例句与用法
  • The report and the use of financial statement under limited rationality
  • Prospect theory and mental accounting the thesis includes five chapters . chapter one tell us about the simple theory of traditional finance
  • When the behaviors and utility functions of the firm owner and the auditor are described , the rational agent characteristic should be applied as a basic assumption
  • The one is person is still regarded as rational one , whose main behavior terms is comparison between earn and cost , and pursuit of maxim of benefit
  • But the problems have also emerged as the activity of government procurement in china . so we should research on the intendance system of government procurement to ensure the validity of procure activity
  • Due to the decrease of disposable income of people resulted from the tax , it changes the stucture of the price , influences the optimal behavior of the economic person , the capital accumulation , and the supply of labor , thereby slows down the growth of economy
  • These factors are physical capital , human capital , technology change , the level of specialization and the quantity of farmers . furthermore , on the basic hypothesis that farmers are rational economic men , it points out the negative attitude of farmers on improving these factors is rational choice . the actual land system , social security system and hukou system conduce that the property right of land is instable and difficult to be exchanged , the quantity of farmers is unable to decrease
    本文首先建立了一个简单的数学模型,考察了直接影响农民农业收入的基本因素,包括:物质资本、人力资本、专业化水平、技术知识和农民数量;进而,从农民是理性经济人的基本假设出发,指出农民在改进影响农业收入的诸因素方面的消极态度是既定制度约束下的理性选择? ?现行的农地制度(社会保障制度) 、户籍制度导致土地产权不稳定、难以流转和农民数量难以减少,妨碍了土地的规模经营,使农民在物质资本投资、人力资本投资、深化专业化分工、学习和应用技术知识、向城市转移劳动力方面表现出消极态度。
  • They will choose their action as a “ rational economic person ” , so it ’ s easy for government interest to make departure and encroach on the pulic interest , which leads to the misplay and misdirection of public policy . it ’ s also in violation of the principle of equity and justness . the existence of the government interest is inevitable
  • Under the basic assumption premise of people are the type of economic person with limited reasonableness but pursuing self - interests to maximize and a almost steady condition of geology and climate in mankind ' s history , by building up a model of " the behavior of the ecosystem environment - system - person ” , i analyze the interactive relation between the institution transition and ecosystem environment transition and put forward a hypothesis about that institution transition affects the ecosystem environment transition
    在人是追求自身利益最大化的有限理性经济人和气候、地质条件在人类历史时期基本稳定的基本假设前提下,通过建立一个“生态环境? ?制度? ?人的行为”的模型来分析制度变迁和生态环境变迁之间的互动关系,并提出一个关于制度变迁影响生态环境变迁的假说。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
  • 推荐英语阅读
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