

音标:[ qiúhuā ]   发音:
  • conus
  • globe daisy
  • hydrangea



  • 例句与用法
  • They damage female strobili during the interval between pollination and fertilization .
  • Conelet-drop is at a maximum when shoot extension occurs at a time close to anthesis .
  • The probability of any air-borne pollen grain impacting a female strobilus is in any case very small .
  • Generally the strobilus-bearing cuttings are best cultivated in a warm atmosphere with the cut ends in water .
  • In spring , the pine tree bears yellow male cones and green female cones
  • Distribution of cones in the crown and the ratio of pollen to ovule in seed orchard of cunninghamia lenceolata hook located at chongyang
  • The products have rainbow balls , bouquet , wooden line ball , various kinds of ball , ball , key hammer , various kinds of automobile aerial ball , flexible toy rifle bullet ball , ball of sponge and pendant of smiling face of color
  • Ontogeny three types of female cones of ephedra are recognized according to the number of seeds per cone , namely uni - ovulate cone , bi - ovulate cone , and tri - ovulate cone . it is suggested that terminal bud of primary cone axe is developed in tri - ovulate cone and disappears in bi - ovulate cone
  • Morphology all ephedra species from china are illustrated with great details on male and female cones . the photographs provide valuable information of characters including peduncle of cone , bract , and micropylar tube etc . for classification and identification of ephedra species from china
    2 、形态学提供了中国麻黄属种类的标本(包括模式标本)照片资料及中国麻黄属植物的雌球花和雄球花的照片资料,为麻黄属分类和系统学研究提供了证据。
  • In the most extreme condition in uni - ovulate cone , the female reproductive unit ( fru ) occupies the position of the terminal bud . an evolutionary trend of reduction is supported in the genus from tri - ovulate to uni - ovulate cone , in which the bract number and seed number are reduced , and the seed size and seed surface sculpture are increasing
    总之,麻黄属雌球花有简化的趋势,伴随着这种趋势,雌球博士学位论文中国麻黄属植物的分类? ?兼论麻黄属的演化花苞片数目减少、种子数目减少、种子体积增大、表面复杂度增加。
  • 其他语种释义
  • 球花的日语:きゅうか 〈植〉球形花。
  • 球花的俄语:pinyin:qiúhuā бот. шишка, шаровидный цветок
  • 球花什么意思:[cone] 又称球穗花序(strobilus)。 由鳞片或苞片状的孢子叶聚生而成的器官,通常呈卵形。为某些无花植物的生殖器官,大致类似其他植物的花,是松树和其他针叶树的典型特征。也见于石松和木贼类植物。
  • 球花とは意味:球花 strobile[医生]
  • 推荐英语阅读
球花的英文翻译,球花英文怎么说,怎么用英语翻译球花,球花的英文意思,球花的英文球花 meaning in English球花的英文球花怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。
