- carburizing furnace vacuum & bell type furnace
- carburizing furnace,vacuum & bell type furnace
- 化 change; turn; transform
- 电气 electrical; electric
- 炖 stew
- 球状化电器炖炉 carburizing furnace vacuum and bell type furnace
- 球状化 balling; globurizing; glomeration; spheroidality; spheroidization
- 球状化退火 spheroidizing
- 球状化线材 a ealing wire and rod; annealing wire & rod; annealing wire and rod
- 球状化热理炉 spheroidizing heat treatment furnace
- 炖炉 carburizing furnace vacuum and bell type furnace
- 球状化热处理炉 spheroidizing heat treatment furnace
- 球状化退火处理 spherodizing
- 球状化热处理退火炉 spheroidizing annealing furnace for steel wire
- 碳钢盘元,线材,球状化热处理退火炉 spheroidizing annealing furnace for steel wire
- 农业坏化电气化研究所 research institute for agricultural mechanization and electrificaion
- 农业机械化电气化研究所 research institute for agricultural mechanization and electrificaion
- 化电 galvanic electricity
- 片状化,层状化 laminarization
- 球状 ball; bulb type; coccus; conglobate; globosity; globularity; nodular; rotundity; spherelike; spherical; sphericity
- 点状化 pointillize
- 镰状化 sickling
- 鳞状化 squamatization
- 条状化 banding
- 螺丝合金炖炉 heroidizing bright a ealing furnace; spheroidizing bright annealing furnace
- 电气 [电学] electrical; electric◇电气安装 electric mounting; 电气保护 electric protection; 电气保护装置 electric protective device; 电气病 electropathy; 电气材料 electric material; 电气测量 electric measurement; 电气传动 electric drive; 电气符号 electrical symbol; 电气干扰 jammer; electrical interference; 电气工程 electric work [engineering]; 电气工程师 electrical engineer; 电气机械装置 electromechanical device; 电气机车 electric locomotive; 电气加工 electrical processing; 电气控制 electrical [electric] control; 电气列车 electric train; 电气牵引 electric traction; 电气设备 electric accessory [apparatus; installation; appliance]; electrical equipment; 电气事业 electric enterprise [utility]; 电气特性 electrical characteristic; 电气铁道 electric railway; 电气铁路 [机械工程] electric railroad; 电气系统 electrical system; 电气信号 electric signal; 电气性能 electric property; 电气中心 electrical centre; 电气装置 electric installation; 电气自动化 electric automatization; 电气自动调节 electrically controlled regulation
- 簇状化合物 cluster compound