- 中期 mid-term; medium term; metap ...
- 中期 mid-term; medium term; [细胞] metaphase◇中期贷款[放款] medium-term loan; 中期计划制定 medium-range planning; 中期市场前景 intermediate-term market outlook; 中期预报 mid-range forecast; extended forecast; extended-range forecast; 中期预测 medium-term forecast; 中期债券 medium-term bonds; 中期资本 medium-term capital
- 球状 ball; bulb type; coccus; conglobate; globosity; globularity; nodular; rotundity; spherelike; spherical; sphericity
- 弓状中韧带 llgamenta arcuatum medium
- 管状中柱 siphonostelesolenostele; solenostele
- 环状中间体 cyclic intermediate
- 环状中间物 cincular intermediates
- 环状中心粒 distal centriole
- 韧管状中柱 ectophloic siphonostele
- 梳状中隔 septum pectiniforme
- 网状中柱 dictyostele; net vein; reticular vein
- 星状中柱 actinostele
- 形状中心 center of figure
- 球状体;球状的 globoid
- 前中期 premetaphase; prometaphase
- 球中期 ball metaphase; ballmetaphase
- 孕中期 middle pregnancy
- 早中期 early metaphase
- 中期板 metaphase plate; metaphaseplate
- 中期的 medium term; medium-term; middle; midrange
- 中期核 metaphase nucleus
- 双韧管状中柱 双韧管状中柱 amphiphloic siphonostele
- 板状中体附肢 blattfuss
- 管形网状中柱 siphonic dictyostele
- 囊状中层坏死 cystic medial necrosis; medionecrosis of aorta