珍惜 treasure; value; cherish; treasure and avoid wasting 珍惜劳动果实 treasure the fruits of labour; 珍惜时间 value highly one's time; set a high value on one's time
但是我非常珍惜这次出国留学的机会 definitely. but i really appreciate this opportunity to study abroad
机会 chance; opportunity 错过机会 lose a chance; 借此机会 take this occasion to; avail oneself of the opportunity to; 放弃机会 throw away one's chance; 抓住机会 seize a chance; 千载难逢的好机会 a golden opportunity; the chance of a lifetime; 高兴有机会访问贵国 be pleased to have the opportunity of visiting your country; 我没有给他说话的机会。 i didn't give him a chance to say a word. 他没有脱身机会。 he had no chance to get away. 你的机会来了。 here is a chance for you
Most important of all , i understand that a human being in the society must take responsibility , work hard and cherish every chance 最重要的是我明白一个人要有社会责任感,要珍惜机会,要勤奋进取。
Still , they are able to respect and fully participate in their jobs , and always try their best . i love their attitudes 可幸的是,他们能够尊重和投入工作,把工作做好,工作态度良好,也很珍惜机会。
Still , they are able to respect and fully participate in their jobs , and always try their best . i love their attitudes 可幸的是,他们能够尊重和投入工作,把工作做好,工作态度良好,也很珍惜机会。
My belief : there is nobody who has never met with some good chance or other in his life , simplly he has not seized one 灵活,随机应变能力较强,善于沟通,珍惜机会,团队精神强.最大的优点在于勤于思考,有极强的学习能力,有韧劲
Still , they are able to respect and fully participate in their jobs , and always try their best . i love their attitudes . i think they really value their opportunities 可幸的是,他们能够尊重和投入工作,把工作做好,工作态度良好,也很珍惜机会。
The presenter emphasized the fact that the two ancient masters have left us , so the gate to heaven can only be opened for us by a living enlightened master . it was pointed out that we must cherish this rare opportunity of a lifetime to follow an enlightened master and be certain not to miss this greatest blessing 前两位明师均已离开我们,现在天堂的大门,将由在世明师为我们开启,所以应该珍惜机会把握生命,跟随明师修行,莫错过此生最大的福报。