- 现实 reality; actuality
- 实 solid
- 有 5年 fifteen years
- 不敢面对现实实际 bury one's head in the sand
- 实有 reality; saneari; the state of existing
- 计算机动画与虚拟现实实验室 computer animation &virtual reality lab
- 现实 1.(客观存在的事物) reality; actuality 客观现实 objective reality; 面对现实 face the facts; bring sb. back to reality; 脱离现实 be divorced from reality; be unrealistic; 梦想变成了现实。 a dream has come true.2.(合乎客观情况的) real; actual 现实生活 real life; actual life; 现实意义 practical or immediate significance; 采取现实的态度 adopt a realistic attitude
- 敦实实 stocky
- 大实有赢状 appearance of deficiency in extreme excess; excessive sthenia with pseudoasthenia
- 大实有羸状 appearance of deficiency in extreme excess; excessive sthenia manifesting a* **cessive asthenia; excessive sthenia manifesting as excessive asthenia
- 计我实有宗 the sect that reckons on or advocates the reality of personality
- 脉洪实有力 full and forceful pulse
- 实有功率 actual horsepower
- 实有其事 it's a fact
- 实有元件 actual element
- 实有者本身 being (itself
- 证实有效 validation
- 结结实实 aabb
- 老老实实 behave oneself; play no tricks; (act) honestly and sincerely; conscientiously; in earnest 老老实实, 勤勤恳恳 be honest and industrious; (as) straight [true] as a die
- 老老实实地 truthfully
- 切切实实 make a determined effort; down to earth 切切实实地工作 do one's job conscientiously
- 确确实实 for a certainty; beyond all doubt; literal; reliable
- 确确实实地 good and sure
- 实实在在 in the name of goodness; down-to-earth; on the level
- 踏踏实实 (do things) in a thoroughgoing manner; on a firm footing; in a down-to-earth way