Preparation of heat resistant epoxy resin adhesive with high softness 柔性耐温环氧树脂胶粘剂的研制
Study on micro - phase toughened epoxy resin adhesives for cryogenic engineering applications 微相增韧低温工程用环氧树脂胶粘剂的研究
The main results are summarized as follows : first , formulation tailoring and curing process of epoxy resin adhesive have been studied , and the peel strengths were tested . the curing temperatures are obtained following the result of curing reaction heat flow tested by dsc 主要研究内容和结果如下:首先,研究了作为基底材料基体的环氧树脂胶粘剂的配方,利用差示扫描量热仪( dsc )确定了胶粘剂的固化温度,并对胶粘剂进行了性能测试。
Abstract : this paper introduces a new class f epoxy glass - cloth laminate . the synthesis of a epoxy adhesive and the production process were studied . the properties of the laminate were compared with those of some similar products abroad . the results show that the laminate has higher adhesive strength 、 resistivity in moist conditions 、 dielectric strength and mechanical strength in higher temperatures . it is applicable for electric equipments , especially those to run in higher moisture or higher temperature conditions 文摘:本文介绍了最近开发成功的一种新型f级耐高温层压板,研究了环氧树脂胶粘剂的合成,层压板的制造工艺及其性能,并与国外同类产品进行了对比,结果表明,它具有粘接强度、浸水后绝缘电阻及耐电压、高温机械强度高等特性,可用作大型高压电机、输变电设备以及核电工程、低温高真空工程中绝缘结构材料,尤其适用于高电压、高温、高机械强度的工作环境。
When change the component of adhesive its shear strength increased from 39 . 3 mpa to 53 . 5 mpa at room temperature and it have long - term usage at 180 with 25 mpa and can be served at 230 in short period . the addition of liquid rubber resulted in a 300 % increase in the peeling strength . the addition of polymer ether imide led to a 260 % increase in the peeling strength , a 15 % increase in shear strength and a 10 increase in tg ( tg = 195 . 54 ) 研究结果表明: bmi dds e ? 51 tde ? 85组成的胶粘剂体系的室温剪切强度为39 . 3mpa ,当改变环氧树脂的含量时,剪切强度提高到53 . 5mpa ;用无规羧基液体丁腈橡胶改性环氧树脂胶粘剂时室温剥离强度提高3 . 0倍;用聚醚酰亚胺改性环氧树脂胶粘剂,室温剪切强度最高可达45 . 2mpa ,剥离强度提高2 . 6倍,玻璃化转变温度tg = 195 . 54 ,比未增韧体系提高10以上;碳纤维耐磨材料与同步器圆锥环的粘接实验结果表明,胶粘剂的使用工艺性能良好,满足室温剪切强度30mpa和180剪切强度12 . 5mpa的技术要求。