- 玉米 maize; Indian corn; corn
- 割捆机 self-binder; binder; gleaner ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 底部 bottom; bottom side; foot; r ...
- 打 strike; hit; knock
- 捆 tie; bind; bundle up
- 器 implement; utensil; ware
- 底部打捆器 bottom packer
- 玉米割捆机 corn binder; corn mow binder; maize binder; maize mow binder
- 立捆式玉米割捆机 vertical corn binder
- 立摁式玉米割捆机 vertical corn binder
- 卧捆式玉米割捆机 horizontal corn binder
- 顶部打捆器 top packer
- 玉米打捆机 corn shocker
- 割捆机的维护 care of grain binder
- 割捆机的前导轮架 forecarriage for binder
- 割捆机 [农业] self-binder; binder; gleaner; reaper-and-binder; reaper-binder; sheaf binder
- 打捆机 bander; tying machine; trusser
- 打捆工;打捆机 bander
- 打捆机 扎捆机 tyingmachine
- 大麻割捆机 hembinder
- 割捆机附件 binder attachment
- 割捆机捆索 reaper binder twine
- 谷物割捆机 grain binder
- 机引割捆机 binder for tractor draft; tractor binder