角 角Ⅰ名词1.(牛、羊、 鹿等头上长出的坚硬的东西) horn 鹿角 antler; 牛角 ox horn2.(古时军中吹的乐器) bugle; horn 号角 bugle3.(形状像角的东西) sth. in the shape of a horn 非洲之角 the horn of africa; 皂角 chinese honey locust4.(岬角) cape; promontory; headland 好望角 the cape of good hope5.(物体两个边沿相接的地方) corner 墙角 corner (of a wall); 眼角 corner of the eye6.[数学] (从一点引出的两条直线所形成的, 或从一条直线上展开的两个平面或从一点上展开的多个平面所形成的空间) angle 多面角 polyhedral angle; 内[外] 角 interior [exterior] angle; 锐[钝] 角 acute [obtuse] angle7.(饺子) dumpling8.(二十八宿之一) jiao, one of the lunar mansionsⅡ量词1.(中国货币的辅助单位) jiao, a fractional unit of money in china (=1/10 of a yuan or 10 fen)2.(四分之一) quarter 一角饼 a quarter of a pancake
Charlie looked at her shrewdly, and appeared to be calculating . 查理狡黠地望着她,作出一副煞费思量的神气。
After scoring over my calmness in this graphic way he nodded wisely . 他以如此形象逼真的动作吓了我以后,便狡黠地朝我点点头。
His face was burning; the girl watched him so closely, studying him, smiling slyly, and maybe could smell his breath . 他的脸在发烧。那姑娘那么仔细地打量着他,揣摩着他,狡黠地笑着,也许还闻得到他的气息。
Slily . account for yourself this very minute or woe betide you 狡黠地你最好马上如实招来,否则就会大难临头!
Natalie is quite well again now , i suppose ? julie asked pierre , with a sly smile 娜塔莉现在似乎好了吧? ”朱莉狡黠地笑着皮埃尔。
Vandeuvres smiled his thin smile and made a little movement to signify he did not care 旺德夫尔狡黠地笑了,并做了一个满不在乎的手势。
The president appears in public , stretches out two closed hands and asks cunningly : where is the sweet 总统出现在公众面前,伸开两双握紧的手,狡黠地问道:糖果在哪只手上?
Come , leave off , said the auditor , with a beaming smile at once nave and cunning , as though he were flattered at being the object of zherkovs jests , and was purposely trying to seem stupider than he was in reality . its very curious , 检察官面露喜悦天真而狡黠地微笑,说道,仿佛他感到荣幸的是,他已成为热尔科夫谈笑的对象,仿佛他故意装出一副比他实际上更愚蠢的样子。
Beneath his gaze the dew - fogs dipped and crept to the hollow places , then stole away in line and column , holding skirts and clinging subtly at the sheltering corners where rock hung over grass - land , while the brave lines of the hills came forth , one beyond other gliding 在他的凝视之下,蒙蒙的雾气缓缓散落潜向谷底,继而丝丝缕缕地溜走,笼住峭壁,狡黠地隐匿于悬在草地之上的岩石中,随即群山的雄姿逐渐呈现,山峦也越发清晰。