

  • feature



  • 例句与用法
  • In higher animals, contraction became the specialized function of muscle cells .
  • Chinese specific features and enhancements
  • Conclusions this prefaricated compound flap including the plantar split - skin and sensitive nerve could provide a reliable covery which wears and presses well and has satisfactory sensation
  • The founding of the people ’ s mediation system has its deep economic base and cultural background . the people ' s mediation has its important status and unique value . the people ' s mediation also has its functions and corresponding effects
  • With the development of economic , the importance of value chain ’ s influence to enterprises is more and more obvious . thus , the accounting management which functions as value management also focus the value chain ’ s activity , the accounting pays attention to overall economy activity , such as interior , cooperation relationship with exterior parties , extending from internal value management to external value management . in this way , the value chain accounting adds value to the corporation through accounting unique function and method
  • 3 ) loom , cycl and owl are ontology specification languages which are perfecter than others , though they have some shortcomings : loom is not easy to learn and use , cycl is not used widely since it ' s not based on xml , and owl ' s all functions needs to be excavated since it is a recently recommended standard
    ( 3 ) loom 、 cycl和owl都是较为理想的本体表示语言,但它们又各有不足: loom是高级编程语言,不易于学习掌握. cycl不是基于xml的,在通用性上受到限制. owl是w3c最新推出的本体表示语言,现有许多本体编择工具还不能体现owl的特有功能
  • Communication is the important factor to maintain the hospital ' s function because it has many advantages , such as delivering messages , unifying the goal , improving efficiency , enhancing quality , finding questions , reducing canard , firing enthusiasm , coordinating human relations . boosting innovation , etc
  • 推荐英语阅读
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