- 物理 innate laws of things physic ...
- 连续 6年未出事故. There have been no a ...
- 表 outside; surface; external
- 物理连续性 physical continuity
- 物理连接 physical connection; physical in
- 心理连续 psychological continuum
- 不连续表面 noncontinuous surface
- 非连续表位 discontinuous epitope
- 连续表格卡 continuons-form cards
- 连续表面层 continuous surface film
- 连续表示 continuous representation
- 连续表位 continuous epitope
- 强连续表示 strongly continuous representation
- 弱连续表示 weakly continuous representation
- 物理连接管理 physical connection management
- 连续表达练习 ii.practice on continuous speech
- 连续表格印刷机 continuous form press
- 四色连续表格印刷 four color continuous forms printing
- 续表 sussubmarine subway succeed suffocate suggest supplement sustainn
- 不连续表位或构象决定簇 disconformational determinant
- 以时间逻辑进行连续表达 iv. continuous speech in the logic of time
- 连续物理学 continuum physics
- 修理连 maintenance company
- 物理性质不连续性 physical discontinuity
- 线理连接 linkage of the lineation