It ' s a she . . . bulls - eye , right up her ass 这是只母的,牛眼刚好打中了她的屁股
It ' s a she . . . bulls - eye , right up her ass 这是只母的,牛眼刚好打中了她的屁股
You should have seen him : bull ' s - eye 你该看看他的:张着一对牛眼
The mounds are six giant half - circles in the shape of a bull ' s - eye , almost three - fourths of a mile wide 这六个巨大的半圆土冢以牛眼形状排列,几乎有四分之三英里宽。
If any one hire an ox , and put out its eye , he shall pay the owner one - half of its value 如果任何一个人租借公牛,并且挖出了它的眼睛,他将付这个所有者牛眼价值的二分之一。
The shining bull s eye of the court was gone , or it would have been the mark for a hurricane of national bullets 当年宫廷里珠光宝气的牛眼明灯已经不见了,否则全国的子弹风暴准会给它们穿上许多窟窿。
Without waring he appeared at a ventilation skylight , and the fiery panting of his breath and his large reddened eyes froze my blood 突然,毫无预警地,它出现在通风窗口,那火爆的鼻息和巨大通红的牛眼使我全身的血液顿时凝固。
The bull ' s - eye patterns seen around planetary nebulae come as a surprise to astronomers because they had no expectation that episodes of mass loss at the end of stellar lives would repeat every 1 , 500 years 这个牛眼样的图案出现在行星式星云四周让天文学家很吃惊,他们不可能期待1500年,在他们有生之年只能看到片断。
Tess s face and neck reflected the same warmth , which each gem turned into an aldebaran or a sirius - a constellation of white , red , and green flashes , that interchanged their hues with her every pulsation 苔丝的脸和脖子也染上了同样的暖色调,她带的宝石也变成了牛眼星和天狼星,变成了闪烁着白色红色和蓝色光芒的星座,随着她的脉搏的跳动,它们就闪现出各种不同的颜色。
In a series of 30 cases of retinitis pigmentosa , pigment epithelial alterations included mottling of the macula in 8 eyes ( 13 . 3 % ) , bull ' s - eye pattern in 24 eyes ( 40 % ) and atrophy or hypopigmentation in 56 eyes ( 93 . 3 % ) ; macular edema with retinal thickening was present in 30 eyes ( 50 % ) , cystoid macular edema in 18 eyes ( 30 % ) ; broadening or loss of foveal reflex was present in 60 eyes ( 100 % ) , preretinal membrane noticed in 58 eyes ( 96 . 7 % ) and macular hemorrhage in one eye ( 1 . 7 % ) 摘要对网膜色素变性症的病例30例60眼探讨其黄斑部病灶的情形,网膜色素上皮层变化中的杂色斑点病变见于8眼,频率为13 . 3 % ,牛眼样病灶见于24眼( 40 % ) ,网膜脱色素病灶为56眼( 93 . 3 % ) ;黄斑部浮肿之网膜增厚为30眼( 50 % ) ,类囊胞浮肿为18眼( 30 % ) ;其它变化包括中心窝反射消失或增宽为60眼( 100 % ) ,网膜前纤维膜为58眼( 96 . 7 % ) ,黄斑部出血和疑似网膜下新生血管各为1眼( 1 . 7 % ) 。