驴唇不对马嘴 irrelevant answer; a donkey's lips can not fit into a horse's mouth; an answer that is beside the point; donkey's lips don't match horses' jaws -- incongruous; his answers are not pertinent to the question asked.: 这个比方有点驴唇不对马嘴。 the analogy is rather farfetched. 约翰试图回答教师的问题, 但他所说的却是驴唇不对马嘴。 john tried to answer the teacher's question, but he was way out in the left field
不对 1.(错误) incorrect; wrong 你说得不对。 what you said is wrong. 你来得那么晚是不对的。 it was wrong of you to come so late. 这样做不对。 it's wrong to act like that.2.(不正常) amiss; abnormal; queer; odd; unhealthy 脸色不对 sick or unhealthy appearance; 这机器声音不对。 the machine makes a queer noise.3.(单用,表示否定对方的话) 不对, 我没有那么说。 no, i didn't say that.4.(不和睦) inharmonious
He always answered the wrong things . 他的回答总是牛头不对马嘴。
He might be overhearing her inconsistent remarks . 也许他正在偷听她这些牛头不对马嘴的话呢。
Some of haldeman's descriptions were on the mark, others were bizarre, the whole concept was irrelevant . 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其他一些则简直是荒诞不经;而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。
Some of haldeman's descriptions were on the amrk; others were bizarre; the whole concept was irrelevant . 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其它一些则简直是荒诞不经,而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。
Some of haldeman's descriptions were on the mark; others were bizarre; the whole concept was irrelevant . 霍尔德曼的有些描述是中肯的,其他一些则简直是荒诞不经;而整个看法则是牛头不对马嘴。
That foreign news agency report hashed up the account of the accident 那家外国通讯社对此事件的报导简直是乱说一通,牛头不对马嘴。
Hair goods of all kinds . " one flight up della ran , and collected herself , panting 那位夫人身躯肥大,过于苍白,冷若冰霜,同"索弗罗妮"的雅号简直牛头不对马嘴。
Throughout the story , the cat pops up to carry on silly conversations with alice , and then he slowly disappears , leaving behind only his mischievous grin 在整个故事里,柴郡猫不时冒出来和爱丽丝进行牛头不对马嘴的谈话,然后慢慢消失,只留下一抹淘气的露齿微笑!
In his last conversation with her , on the old princes name - day , she had met all his attempts to talk of the emotions with irrelevant replies , and had obviously not heard what he was saying 最近在老公爵命名日和她会面时,他试图和她谈情说爱,但是她对他说的话回答得牛头不对马嘴,显然她不想听他说话。
Sonya began watching her friend even more attentively , and she noticed that all dinner - time and in the evening natasha was in a strange and unnatural state , unlike herself . she made irrelevant replies to questions asked her , began sentences and did not finish them , and laughed at everything 索尼娅开始更加仔细地观察自己的女友,她发觉,娜塔莎在用午膳的时候和晚上处于奇怪的不正常的精神状态中她对人家向她提出的问题回答得牛头不对马嘴,在开始说话之后又不把话说完,无论对什么都流露笑意。
牛头不对马嘴的法语:être incongru;être disparate;n'avoir aucun rapport avec;passer du coq à l'âne