- infra-alveolar dental ligaments
- infraalveolar dental ligament
- 牙 tooth
- 周 circumference; periphery; ci ...
- 膜 membrane
- 下 below; down; under; undernea ...
- 韧带 anadesma; ligament; ligament ...
- 牙周膜牙周韧带 alveolodental ligament
- 下韧带 inferior ligament
- 牙周膜 alveolodental ligament; alveolodental membranae; alveolodental membrane; odontoperiosteum; parodontium; pericementum; peridental membranes; periodental membranes; periodentium; periodontal membrane; periodontium
- 牙周膜韧带的生物宽度 biologic width of periodontal ligament
- 肺下韧带 inferior pulmonary ligament
- 附睾下韧带 inferior ligament of epididymis; ligament epididymidis inferius; ligamentum epidymidis inferius
- 甲杓下韧带 ligament thyreoarytaenoideum inferius
- 跖趾下韧带 inferior metatarsophalangeal ligaments
- 牙周的, 牙周膜的 peridental
- 牙槽牙周膜 alveolodental periosteum
- 牙周膜的 pericemental; periodontal
- 牙周膜化脓 pericemental suppuration
- 牙周膜坏死 pericemental necrosis
- 牙周膜间隙 periodontal membrane space
- 牙周膜瘤 paradontoma
- 牙周膜神经 periodontal membrane nerves
- 牙周膜损伤 injuries to periodontal membrane
- 牙周膜纤维 periodontal membrane fiber
- 牙周膜炎 percementitis; pericementitis
- 牙周膜炎症 inflammation in periodontal membrane