- 片状 schistose
- 砝码 weight
- 链状砝码 catenary poise
- 砝码 weight; counterweight; balancing weight; counterpoise; bob-weight; rider 一公斤重的砝码 a kilogram weight; 砝码盘 scale pan; 砝码舌 pawl; pall; paul; 砝码组 set of weights; weight set
- 片状 schistose◇片状避雷器 plate protector; 片状电容器 chip capacitor; 片状结构 laminated structure; 片状煤 callis; 片状闪电 sheet lightning; 片状物 tablet; platelet
- 秤砝码 scale weight
- 等砝码 class 1~weights
- 配重,砝码 balance weight
- 小砝码 fractional weight; miniweights; set of weights
- 压重,砝码 weights
- 重量,砝码 weights
- 砝码盘 scale pan
- 砝码舌 pawlpallpaul
- 砝码组 set of weights; weight set
- 标准砝码 standard test weight; standard weights; weight standard
- 秤砣;砝码;重锤 weight
- 镀金砝码 gold plated weight
- 二级砝码 class 2nd weight
- 分析砝码 analdytical weights; analytical weights
- 工业砝码 technical weights
- 环形砝码 ring weight
- 活动砝码 jockey weight
- 假的砝码 false weights scales dice etc
- 检定砝码 certified weights
- 精密砝码 precision weights