- 父亲 father
- 时 shí]
- 儿子离家时 sounder
- 父亲回家时 daddy's home
- 家时 ietoki
- 离家 li jia
- 国家时 plmn
- 父亲 father 他有个百万富翁的父亲。 he had a millionaire father.; 父亲固恋 father fixation
- 亲离子的 ionophilic
- 亲离子基(团) ionophore
- 众叛亲离 be deserted by one's followers; being isolated, forsaken by friends and allies; be rebellion by the masses, desertion by one's followers; his followers rise in revolt and his closest friends forsake him.; his own people rebel against him and his relatives turn their backs to him.; opposed by the masses and deserted by one's followers; the masses are in rebellion, one's close followers are deserting.; with one's followers in revolt and one's close associates deserting; with the masses rising in rebellion and one's friends deserting
- 众叛亲离的 friendless
- 离家近 close to home
- 爸爸回家时 season of change
- 搬家时间 moving time
- 亲离子萤光团 fluoroionophore
- 如何众叛亲离 how to lose friends and alienate people
- 背离家园 leave one
- 出走;离家;逃跑 run away
- 离家500里 miles
- 离家500哩 miles
- 离家不远 left but not afar
- 离家出走 run away from home
- 离家多远 how far ls lt from home
- 离家近的 close to home