天使爱美丽 amelie from montmartre; amelie of montmartre; fabelhafte welt der amelie, die; fabuleux destin d'amélie poulain, le; le fabuleux destin d'qmelie poulain; the fabulous destiny of amelie poulain
美丽 beautiful 美丽的花朵 beautiful flowers; 美丽富饶的国家 a beautiful and richly-endowed country; 观看一幅美丽的图画常使人心满意足。 looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 那是一个宁静美丽的夜晚。 it was a serenely beautiful night
The main character amelie is lovable , and that is another reason why i like this film 片中主角爱美丽的形象十分讨人喜欢,亦是令笔者喜爱这电影的原因。
Would you like to work in more foreign films or films in other cultural settings , similar to 你是否想拍更多外国影片,或者像《新爱美丽闯东瀛》那种其他文化背景的作品?
This lovingly crafted cinematic success from thailand is a vivid allegory and portrayal of lower - class life 导演在精致的《爱美丽》式花花世界探讨现实社会的种种,观众会心大笑之馀也可顺道反思一番。
Dvd features including : the " look of amlie " english featurette , fantasies of audrey tautou french with english subtitles , q a with director jean . . 自小便懂得将枯燥生命加点糖的爱美丽,廿二岁那年立下宏愿? .
Amelie ( 2001 ) - amelie ' s special way with cr me brulee was such an iconic image it became the basis for the poster for the film 天使爱美丽? ?爱美丽制作奶酪布利的独门秘诀是标志性的画面,使这成为电影海报上的主要成分。
Am lie : [ whispering in theater ] i like to look for things no one else catches . i hate the way drivers never look at the road in old movies 爱美丽: (在电影院低语)我喜欢寻找没有人在意的事情。我讨厌老电影里那些开车从来不看路的人。
Nancy s colleaggue , doctor - cum - part tiem dj dr . lee attends a party with nancy . everybody thinks they are dating and will get marry soon . . 而爱美丽本身是一个关心八卦的人,所以在她以讹传讹下,家燕妈妈被人误以为与dr . lee拍拖,更传她会将快再婚。
Am lie : [ to her father , who is not paying attention ] i had two heart attacks , an abortion , did crack … while i was pregnant . other than that , i ' m fine 爱美丽: (对着她父亲,他并没有在意)我有两次心脏病,一次流产,真的破裂…当我怀孕的时候。除了那个,我很好。