传说 1.(据别人说) it is said; they say 传说如此。 so the story goes. 这不过是传说而已。 that's only hearsay.2.(口头流传下来的故事) legend; tradition; lore 民间传说 folklore; popular legend; folk tale; 按照古老的传说, 罗穆卢斯是古罗马的建国者。 according to the old tradition, romulus was the founder of rome
爱情 love (between man and woman); affection 热烈的爱情 fervent love; 甜密的爱情 sweet affection; 伪装的爱情 spurious affection; 永恒的爱情 an undying affection; 庸俗的爱情 vulgar affection; 转瞬即逝的爱情 fleeting love; 爱情不分贫富。 love lives in cottages as well as in courts.; poor or rich, love first. 爱情一淡薄, 样样不顺眼。 faults are thick where love is thin. 她渴望得到那个美貌青年的爱情。 she desired the love of the handsome youth.; 爱情歌曲 love song; 爱情纪念品 love token; 爱情结 love knot (一种装饰性花结); 爱情镜头 love scene; 爱情恐怖 erotophobia; 爱情片 love film; 爱情热 love fever; heated discussions about love in literature; 爱情小说 romance novel; love story; 爱情心理学 love psychology
Welcome to shanjuan scenic zone to enjoy legend of the eternal love 善卷洞风景区热情欢迎您的到来,在粱祝的故乡回味那永恒爱情传说。
There is affecting love story about yincui gorge : long long ago , the third princess of the dragon king in yuncui gorge fell in love with a youth of local yi clan 荫翠峡还有一个美丽得叫人心痒的爱情传说:那是荫翠峡中的龙王三公主和当地彝族青年相爱的故事。
The song is based on a legend of unrequited love set in a deserted castle on the ancient silk road , it creates a deep and intoxicating sadness which surrounds and inhabits you 它讲述了发生在丝绸之路上一座无人问津的空堡中的一段古老的爱情传说,抒发着一种令人沉醉的深深哀愁,将你笼罩其中,难以自拔。
The seventh night of the seventh moon stanza always knits the female ' s legend with gigolo connect with each other , this is one is very beautiful , historic spread of love story , become our country four greatly civil love legend of a 七夕节始终和牛郎织女的传说相连,这是一个很美丽的,千古流传的爱情故事,成为我国四大民间爱情传说之一。