- 爱 love
- 到 39
- 眼 eye
- 茫茫 boundless and indistinct; va ...
- 茫茫 boundless and indistinct; vast 茫茫草原 the boundless grasslands; 茫茫一片尘雾 a widespread dust fog; 前途茫茫。 one's prospects are bleak
- 捕捉到眼睛 that catch your eyes
- 钓到眼睛 they catch your eyes
- 白茫茫 a vast expanse of whiteness; in endless whiteness (snow, cloud, fog) 田野被大雪覆盖, 白茫茫的一眼望不到边。 the fields covered with snow became a vast expanse of whiteness stretching to infinity
- 爱到不能爱 the little death
- 爱到顶点 summit love
- 爱到发狂 schizophrenic
- 爱到发烧 lovesick
- 爱到尽头 the end of the affair
- 爱到天堂 leave her to heaven
- 爱到无限大 br / / love without measure
- 爱到永恒 forever in love
- 爱到永远 enduring love; forever love; love goes on
- 爱到最高点 everybody's all-american; the highest love
- 爱到最后 do it again
- 爱你爱到死 asos
- 爱你爱到这 kala
- 送爱到南亚 give love to southern asia
- 一爱到底 all over the guy
- 白茫茫的 cloud covered
- 大海茫茫 the open ocean