- 熔点 melting point; smelting poin ...
- 软化 soften; bate; bating
- 点 drop
- 软化点 flexibility point; heat distortion point; sagging point; sintering point; soft. pt; softening point; softening temperature; softeningpoint; vitrification point; yield point
- 软化点 软化温度 softeningpoint
- 软化温度;软化点 softening temperature
- 干热软化点 softening point in hot air
- 荷重软化点 refractoriness under load; softening point under load
- 沥青软化点 asphalt softening point; ring and ball point
- 软化点(玻璃的) softening point
- 软化点沥青 softening point a halt; softening point asphalt
- 软化点试验 softening-point test
- 维卡软化点 vicat softening point
- 非金属软化点 non metallic fusion point; nonmetallic fusion point
- 高软化点树脂 high softening point resin
- 环球法软化点 ring-and-ball softening point
- 灰初始软化点 initial ash softening point
- 熔维卡软化点 vicat softening temperature
- 软化点测定管 softening point tubes
- 软化点滴测法 drop softening-point method
- 软化点温度计 softening point thermometer
- 栓剂的软化点 softening point of suppository
- 悬臂法软化点 cantilever softening point
- 环球法[软化点测定法 ball and ring method
- 环与球软化点试验 ring and ball softening point test