- wind calming drugs
- wind-calming drugs
- 熄 extinguish; put out
- 风 wind
- 药 medicine; drug; remedy
- 熄风 calm the endopathic wind; calm the wind; stop the wind; stop wind; stopping endogenous wind
- 驱风药 驱风药 carminative
- 驱风药 carminative
- 痛风药 antiarthritics
- 中风药 apoplectic
- 镇肝熄风 平肝熄风 calming the liver to inhibit the wind evil
- 防治中风药 antiapoplectic
- 抗麻风药 anti-leprosy drugs; antileprotic; leprostatic
- 抗痛风药 gout suppressant
- 致抽风药 tetanics
- 治痛风药 antipodagric; arthrifuge
- 治中风药 antapoplectic
- 除痰熄风 expel phlegm and stop wind; expell phlegm and stop wind
- 和血熄风 enrich the blood and calm the wind; enrich the blood and clam the wind; regulating blood to extinguish wind
- 化痰熄风 [中医] eliminating phlegm and calming wind
- 平肝熄风 calm the liver to stop the wind; calming the liver to stop the wind; check the liver and calm the wind
- 潜阳熄风 suppressing hyper-yang to eliminate wind
- 熄风化痰 calm the wind and eliminate the phlegm
- 熄风清热 calm the endopathic wind and remove heat; calming endopathic wind and removing heat
- 熄风止痉 relieving convulsion and spasm
- 泻火熄风 purge fire to stop wind; purging fire for stopping wind
- 养血熄风 nourish the blood to stop wind; nourishing blood to stop wind; nourishing the blood to stop wind