“ they can use the pot too , ” she said “这个煮肉罐他们也用得着。 ”她说。
To make broth , and stew a bit of meat by it self 可是这壶太大,不适于用来烧汤或煮肉。
You can boil the egg or boil the meat 汉译英:你可以煮鸡蛋或煮肉
And , thyme tastes good with meat , game , poultry and shellfish 百里香煮肉,野味,家禽,贝类也很棒
- we gambe the time of cook the meat -赌煮肉的时间
We gambe the time of cook the meat -赌煮肉的时间
Master , if i am initiated today , can i still cook meat for my children to eat 师父,如果我今天印心,我仍然可以煮肉给我小孩吃吗?
She has a rough and ready method for calculating how long it takes for meat to cook 她有一种计算煮肉时间的方法,虽不十分精确,但相当顶用。
And he said to me , these are the boiling - rooms , where the offering of the people is cooked by the servants of the house 他对我说,这都是煮肉的房子,殿内的仆役要在这里煮民的祭物。
He said to me , " these are the kitchens where those who minister at the temple will cook the sacrifices of the people . 24他对我说、这都是煮肉的房子、殿内的仆役、要在这里煮民的祭物。