Then i start to cook some gruel . wash my face , something like that 然后开始煮粥洗洗脸什么的
The bride and groom cooked porridge at their wedding , leading to the popular expression “ you won ' t cook porridge with him or her 新郎和新娘要在婚礼上煮粥,所以后来就出现了这样的说法: “离了她或他,你可就煮不成粥” 。
Dried ginger first boiling water for 30 minutes , take concoction with a common jujube and japonica rice conjee , to be cooked porridge , brown sugar to join , serve hot food service . 1st day , and even served 5 - 7 days 先将干姜加水煎煮30分钟,取药汁与大枣和粳米共同煮粥,待粥熟时,加入红糖,趁热食服,每天1次,连服5 7天。
It is an important budddhist festival , also referred to as ullambana , when monks self - examine the buddhist practice of the past year . on the day the monks and other buddhists offer sacrifice to buddha , make confessions and introspection 夏历腊月初八,是释迦牟尼成道之日,九华山林有腊八粥的习惯,用红棘桂圆香菇豆类煮粥,自食和施舍,以示对佛祖的感恩。
Angelica first , motherwort decocted two times , each time for 20 minutes after the boil , with the filtrate , and japonica rice , eggs common conjee , hezhou those who eat eggs , 1 - 2 times a day , for 5 - 7 days , the treatment of three menstrual cycles 先将当归、益母草煎煮2次,每次沸后20分钟,合并滤液,与粳米、鸡蛋共同煮粥,吃蛋喝粥,每天1 2次,连续5 7天,治疗3个月经周期。
The contents of the pan began to boil , and he turned to plunge his hand into the bowl ; i conjectured that this preparation was probably for our supper , and , being hungry , i resolved it should be eatable ; so , crying out sharply , i ll make the porridge 锅里的东西开始烧滚了,他转过来把手朝盆里伸。我猜想这大概是预备我们的晚饭,我既然饿了,就决定要把它烧得能吃下去,因此尖声叫出来, “我来煮粥! ”