get salt by evaporation [heating] of sea-water; boil the salt off the water
煮 boil; cook; stew盐 salt煮盐锅 salt furnace; saltoven煮盐的沉渣 salcrete煮小虾 cooked shrimps煮小泥肠 boiled sausage煮羊肉煮素菜 boiled mutton with vegetables煮香肠 cooked sausage煮羊腿 boiled leg mutton煮咸牛肉 boiled corned beef煮药 decoct medicinal herbs煮咸白鱼 boiled salted silver carp
Due to a lack of understanding salt - making method in ancient china , people tend to equate boiled salt with decocted salt 摘要由于不谙古代制盐法,人们往往将“煎盐”与“煮盐 ”混为一谈。
煮盐的法语 :salinage煮盐什么意思 :熬乾含盐分的水, 提取食盐。 ▶ 《管子‧轻重甲》: “北海之众, 无得聚庸而煮盐。” ▶ 《史记‧平准书》: “敢私铸铁器煮盐者, 釱左趾。” ▶ 《三国志‧魏志‧邓艾传》: “煮盐兴冶, 为军农要用。”