- it's her duty to look after her aunt
- 照顾 give consideration to; show ...
- 她 she
- 姨妈 maternal aunt; aunt
- 是 Semantics
- 分内 one's job
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 这是我分内的事 it's sth. within my duty
- 要是你小心照顾她过马路 if you do, she thinks it's just one of men's tactics for seduction
- 做好分内的工作 do a share
- 姨妈 [口语] (married) maternal aunt; aunt
- 分内 one's job [duty]: 这是我分内的事。 it's sth. within my duty. 照顾她姨妈是她分内的事。 it's her duty to look after her aunt
- 如果你过马路的时候没有照顾她 if you fail to helher in crossing the street, you lack ethics
- 是她 it's her
- 她分手 lvy remix
- 做自己份内的事 stick to one's last; sticktoone'slast
- 名词] 姨妈 aunt
- 照顾 1.(考虑到; 注意到) give consideration to; show consideration for; take account of; make allowance(s) for 照顾多数 make allowance for the majority; think in terms of the majority; 照顾面子 be careful of one's respectability; 照顾全局 take the whole into account; consider the situation as a whole; 照顾实际情况 in consideration of the actual conditions2.(关心; 照料) look after; care for; attend to 照顾伤员 look after the wounded
- 分内外 besides except; besides,except
- 发生于土地之内的事件 on the premises
- 内的事件几率不小于1 standard deviation
- 贝蒂姨妈 la cousine bette
- 比依姨妈 aunt bea
- 糊涂大姨妈 the drowsy chaperone
- 穆利尔姨妈 auntie muriel
- 佩妮姨妈 aunt petunia