There was little enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her . 他这个人,照说没有什么可取的地方足以使她笑逐颜开的,因为他是个乖戾的青年人,即使对她也没有什么礼貌之可言。
It has connected him nearer with virtue than any other feeling 照说他既然傲慢,就应该最讲求道德。
This should have been enough to put me put me off , but it didn ' t 这样,照说我应该就此罢休才是,可我没有。
In vain did elizabeth attempt to reasonable , and jane to make her resigned 照说我比她大两岁,面子也得大些呢。 ”
After the cold war , the cuban revolution lost soviet union ' s support , which had a critical impact on cuba 两部分相比照说明,美古两个政府间相互冲突的价值观主导着冷战结束后美古关系的演变。
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take , but by the moments that take our breath away 有趣的是,偶在“华人”上看到的都是批评她的言论。照说“华人”气氛是比较温和,不像未名空间那么尖刻的。
Mark said that despite a consolidation of the sector in 2005 that reduced the number of banks to 25 from 89 and was supposed to make them more efficient , many banks still used women to attract new business 马克议长说, 2005年,尼日利亚银行业经整合后,银行数量从89家精减为25家,照说银行应该能提高效率才对,但现在仍有不少银行在利用美女来招揽生意。
A man of honour could not have doubted the intention , but mr . darcy chose to doubt it - or to treat it as a merely conditional recommendation , and to assert that i had forfeited all claim to it by extravagance , imprudence , in short any thing or nothing 照说,一个要面子的人是不会怀疑先人的意图的可是达西先生偏偏要怀疑,或者说,他认为遗嘱上也只是说明有条件地提拔我,他硬要说我浪费和荒唐,因此要取消我一切的权利。
" the philosopher of the half - educated , he was called by an academic philosopher who was not worthy to pollute the atmosphere he breathed . i don t think you have read ten pages of spencer , but there have been critics , assumably more intelligent than you , who have read no more than you of spencer , who publicly challenged his followers to adduce one single idea from all his writings - from herbert spencer s writings , the man who has impressed the stamp of his genius over the whole field of scientific research and modern thought ; the father of psychology ; the man who revolutionized pedagogy , so that to - day the child of the french peasant is taught the three r s according to principles laid down by him “有一个连污染他呼吸过的空气都不配的学究式的哲学家曾说他是一知半解者的哲学家,我觉得斯宾塞的书你就没有读过十页,可也就有好些这样的批评家他们照说应该比你聪明,可他们读过的斯宾塞比你还少却公开挑战,要斯宾塞的信徒从他所有的作品里提出一条属于他自己的思想来从赫伯特斯宾塞的作品里找他自己的思想!