

  • ordinarily; as a rule



  • 例句与用法
  • There was little enough in him to brighten her face, for he was a sullen young fellow, and ungracious in his manner even to her .
  • It has connected him nearer with virtue than any other feeling
  • This should have been enough to put me put me off , but it didn ' t
  • In vain did elizabeth attempt to reasonable , and jane to make her resigned
    照说我比她大两岁,面子也得大些呢。 ”
  • After the cold war , the cuban revolution lost soviet union ' s support , which had a critical impact on cuba
  • Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take , but by the moments that take our breath away
  • Mark said that despite a consolidation of the sector in 2005 that reduced the number of banks to 25 from 89 and was supposed to make them more efficient , many banks still used women to attract new business
    马克议长说, 2005年,尼日利亚银行业经整合后,银行数量从89家精减为25家,照说银行应该能提高效率才对,但现在仍有不少银行在利用美女来招揽生意。
  • A man of honour could not have doubted the intention , but mr . darcy chose to doubt it - or to treat it as a merely conditional recommendation , and to assert that i had forfeited all claim to it by extravagance , imprudence , in short any thing or nothing
  • " the philosopher of the half - educated , he was called by an academic philosopher who was not worthy to pollute the atmosphere he breathed . i don t think you have read ten pages of spencer , but there have been critics , assumably more intelligent than you , who have read no more than you of spencer , who publicly challenged his followers to adduce one single idea from all his writings - from herbert spencer s writings , the man who has impressed the stamp of his genius over the whole field of scientific research and modern thought ; the father of psychology ; the man who revolutionized pedagogy , so that to - day the child of the french peasant is taught the three r s according to principles laid down by him
  • 其他语种释义
  • 照说的日语:本来ならば.道理から言えば. 照说会议该结束了/本来ならば会議はもう終わっているはずだが. 照说我们早就应当通知你的/実はずっと早くお知らせすべきところでしたが.
  • 照说的韩语:정상[이치]대로라면. 제대로 말하자면. 사실은. 대체로. 일반적으로. 照说这时候该热了; 대체로 이맘때면 더워져야 한다 照说我们早就应当通知你的; 이치대로라면 우리는 응당 일찍이 너에게 알려야 했었다 =[按àn说]
  • 照说什么意思:zhàoshuō 按说:他补习了几个月,~这试题应该能做出来。
  • 推荐英语阅读
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