- 焕发 shine; glow; irradiate; viva ...
- 才智 ability and wisdom; intellig ...
- 的 4次方是 The fourth power of 2 i ...
- 焕发才智 be brilliant witty etc
- 缺乏才智的 unintelligent
- 有才智的 intelligent: having, showing intelligence, clever
- 有才智的人 bel-esprit; wit
- 有才智的;聪明的 intelligent
- 具极大才智的人 mastermind
- 理解力;有才智的人 intellect
- 有才智的人才子 bel esprit
- 智力,理解力,有才智的人 intellect
- 聪明的, 伶俐的, 有才智的, [计]智能的 intelligent
- 焕发 shine; glow; irradiate; vivacious 焕发革命青春 fresh with revolutionary vigour; 精神焕发 be full of vim and vigour; 容光焕发 one's face glowing with health
- 才智 (才能和智慧) ability and wisdom; intelligence; brilliance 天生的才智 innate wit; 增长聪明才智 advance [grow] in wisdom; 爱因斯坦是他的时代里最有才智的人之一。 einstein was one of the greatest intellects of his time. 辩论增长才智。 debates sharpen one's wits
- 奥斯卡获奖电影幕后有才智的人 the mind behind an oscar-winning movie
- 口若悬河不能作为才智的证明 a fool always comes short of his reckoning
- 爱因斯坦是他的时代里最有才智的人之一 einstein was one of the greatest intellects of his time
- 智力,才智 intellect
- 不智的 illadvised; impolitic; unwise
- 机智的 daedalean; heads-up; mercurial; ready-witted; resourceful; tactful; witty
- 理智的 intellectual; intelligent; sane; sensible
- 明智的 advisable; brighter shopping brighter prices; judiciously; make sense; prudent; sagacity; sensible; well-advised; wise
- 无智的 unwise
- 心智的 mental