- give me a hug , you big lug . - oh , no -给我一个拥抱,你热烈的拥抱-噢,不
Give me a hug , you big lug . - oh , no 给我一个拥抱,你热烈的拥抱-噢,不
Whatever you give them , be sure to include a big hug 不论你送给他们什么东西,切记还要送上一个热烈的拥抱。
Oh . that ' s a firm hug 噢,热烈的拥抱
They enjoyed a lengthy conversation with master . before leaving , they both gave her a warm hug 他们愉快地与师父长谈,临别之际还与师父热烈的拥抱。
During the first summit , in 2000 , when he met mr roh ' s predecessor , kim dae - jung , mr kim was all bear - hugs and smiles 在2000年的第一次峰会,他会见卢武铉的前任金大中时,给与的是热烈的拥抱和满脸的微笑。
You should believe as long as you do like that , you will be naturally treated fairly and amicably , even you can get the most warm embrace and cheers 你要相信,只要你这样去做了,这个世界自己会公正对待你,自然会友善地对待你,甚至给你最热烈的拥抱与欢呼!
Seizing in his arms the friend so long and ardently desired , dant s almost carried him towards the window , in order to obtain a better view of his features by the aid of the imperfect light that struggled through the grating 唐太斯用热烈的拥抱来迎接他这位渴望已久的朋友,然后把他拉到窗口,以便借着从铁栅栏间透进来的微弱的光线把他整个人看得清楚些。