- thermodynamic heating system
- 泵 pump
- 采暖系统 heating system
- 采暖系统 all blast heating system; heating system
- 单管采暖系统 one(single)-pipe heating system
- 地板采暖系统 floor heating system; floorheatingsystem
- 热风采暖系统 hot air heating system; warm-air heating system
- 热水采暖系统 hot water system
- 双管采暖系统 two-pipe heating system
- 微管采暖系统 micro-bore heating system; micro-boreheatingsystem; microbore system
- 温室采暖系统 greenhouse heating system
- 真空采暖系统 vacuum heating system vacuum return-line heating system; vacuum return-line heating system
- 蒸汽采暖系统 steam heating system
- 采暖系统与散热器 heating system and radiator
- 垂直单管采暖系统 vertical on(single) pipe heating system; vertical one-pipe heating system
- 高温水采暖系统 high-temperature-water heating system; high-temperature-waterheatingsystem
- 散热片式采暖系统 radiant heating system
- 散热器采暖系统 radiator heating system; radiator heatingsystem
- 水平单管采暖系统 one -pipe loocircuit heating system; pne(single)-pipe loocircuit heating system
- 无管式采暖系统 pipeless system of heating
- 蒸汽加压采暖系统 steam pressure type cascade heating system
- 贮热式采暖系统 thermal storage heating system
- 采暖系统的热稳定性 thermal stability of heating system
- 单管跨越式采暖系统 heating system
- 单管顺序式采暖系统 one -pipe series-looheating system; one(single)-pipe serieslooheating system
- 单双管混合式采暖系统 one-and-two pipe combined heating system; one-and-two-pipe combined heating system