- 泵 pump
- 式 type; style
- 热水器 water heater
- 电极式热水器 electrode water heater; eletrode water heater
- 管壳式热水器 tube in sheet water heater
- 喷汽式热水器 steam jet water heater
- 容器式热水器 storage water heater
- 手提式热水器 portable water heater
- 通过式热水器 push-though geyser; push-through geyser
- 贮水式热水器 water heater of thermal storage type
- 面包箱式热水器 breadbox type water heater
- 燃气容积式热水器 gas storage water heater
- 热能转换式热水器 water heater of the calorifier type
- 塑料袋式热水器 plastic bag solar water heater
- 夜间贮水式热水器 off-peak hot water heater
- 溴化锂吸收式热水器 lithium bromide a orption water heater; lithium bromide absorption water heater
- 热泵式干燥机 heat pumdrying plant; heat pump drier
- 热泵式空调器 heat pump air conditioner
- 闭环式热泵 closed cycle heat pump
- 地气式热泵 soil-air heat pump
- 地水式热泵 soil-water heat pump
- 空气式热泵 air cycle heat pump
- 气-气式热泵 airair heat pump
- 吸收式热泵 absorption heat pump
- 热水器 hot-water heater; calorifier; geyser; water boiler; water-heater; watern heater