- 烧伤 fire burn; burn; empyrosis
- 焊接缺陷 weld defect
- 焊接缺陷 defects of welding; weld defects; weld flaw; weld imperfect; welding defect; weldingdefect
- 焊接缺陷评定 assessment of significance of weld defect
- 焊接缺陷,焊接裂纹 weld flaw
- 零缺陷焊接 zero defect soldering
- 焊接件中的缺陷 defects in welds
- 烧伤 fire burn; [医学] burn; empyrosis 大面积烧伤 extensive burns; 三度烧伤 third-degree burns; 被严重烧伤 be severely burnt; 他全身烧伤。 he received burns all over his body. 那孩子被人从大火中救出, 但不久就死于严重烧伤。 the child was rescued from the fire, but died soon after of terrible burns
- 修理焊接容器中的缺陷 defects in welded vessels, repair; repair defects in welded vessel
- 缺陷 defect; fault; faultiness; vitium; lesion; flaw; disorder; imperfection; drawback; blemish
- 焊接 weld; welding; soldering; seal; sealing; sealing-in; shutting together 电弧焊接 (electric) arc welding; 焊接材料 welding material; 焊接操作 welding operation; 焊接车间 welding shop; 焊接点 point of weld; soldering point; pad; 焊接电极 [冶金学] welding electrode; 焊接电流 [电工] welding current; 焊接电源 source of welding current; welding source; 焊接方法 welding method; 焊接缝 flog; soldering joint; 焊接工 weldor; 焊接工艺 bonding technology; 焊接机 bonding machine; soldering machine; 焊接检查 welding inspection; 焊接件 weldment; 焊接强度 weld strength; 焊接缺陷 weld defect; 焊接熔池 welding pool; 焊接深度 depth of weld; 焊接温度 welding temperature; 焊接质量 welding quality
- Ⅰ°烧伤,一度烧伤 first degree burn
- 烧伤,中度烧伤,二度烧伤 second degree burn
- 背烧伤 burn of back
- 被烧伤 get burnt
- 电烧伤 electric burn
- 耳烧伤 burn of ear
- 肥烧伤 fertilizer injury
- 喉烧伤 burn of larynx
- 碱烧伤 alkali burn
- 颈烧伤 burn of neck
- 口烧伤 burn of mouth
- 磷烧伤 burn by phosphorus
- 热烧伤 thermal burn flash burn
- 烧伤点 brandflecken