- touch gold and turn it into iron -- miscorrect a piece of writing (比喻把别人的好文章改坏了)
- 点金 gold pointing
- 金成 kanenari; kannari
- 成铁纪 siderian
- 点金枪 golden spear
- 点金石 philosophers stone; philosophers' stone
- 点金术 [希神] the golden touch
- 宝成铁路 baoji-chengdu railway
- 抽成铁丝 wiredraw; wiredrew
- 抽成铁丝的 wiredrawn
- 洽成铁工厂 chia cheng iron works
- 永成铁工厂 yung cherng stainless steel corp; yung-cherng stainless steel corp
- 金成昌 kim sung chang; kim sung-chang
- 金成德 jin chengde; seong-deok kim
- 金成恩 kim sung eun; seong-eun kim
- 金成浩 kim song ho; seong-ho kim
- 金成鸿 sung-hong kim
- 金成久 kim song gu
- 金成俊 seung-jun kim
- 金成奎 kim song gyu; kim song-gyu
- 金成来 kim seongrae
- 金成龙 kim seonryong
- 金成民 kim seong-min
- 金成色 fineness of gold
- 金成旭 seung-wook kim
- 点金理财 gofortune
- 点解决方案 point solutions
- 点金成铁的韩语:【성어】 좋은[훌륭한] 것을 손을 대서 오히려 못 쓰게 만들다. ↔[点铁成金]
- 点金成铁什么意思:diǎn jīn chéng tiě 【解释】用以比喻把好文章改坏。也比喻把好事办坏。 【出处】《景德传灯录·真觉大师灵照》:“问:‘还丹一粒,点铁成金;至理一言,点凡成圣。请师一点。’师曰:‘还知齐云点金成铁吗?’曰:‘点金成铁,未之前闻。至理一言,敢希垂示!’” 【拼音码】djct 【用法】兼语式;作谓语、定语;含贬义 【英文】touching gold and turn it in...