- 炮弹 cannonball; shell; cartridge ...
- 引信 detonator; fuse; fuze
- 高射炮弹引信 antiaircraft fuze
- 高射炮弹引信管 anti-aircraft fuse
- 导弹引信 missile fuse
- 深弹引信室 depth charge fuse chamber
- 深弹引信体 fuse body of depth charge
- 炸弹引信 bomb detonator; bomb fuze; bomb pistolpiston
- 教练炸弹引信 dummy bomb fuse
- 深水炸弹引信 depth charge fuse; depth charge pistol
- 炮弹引爆曳光管 shell-destroying tracer
- 深弹引信室防护盖 protective cover of depth charge fuse chamber
- 炸弹引信保险杆 bomb fuze arming stem
- 炸弹引信控制电门 bomb arming switch
- 炸弹引信控制面板 bomb fuze control
- 使导弹引信处于待发状态 arm the missile for ready detonation
- 炸弹引信解除保险按钮 bomb arm knob
- 炸弹引信解除保险装置 bomb-arming control
- 炸弹引信解除保险延时装置 bomb fuze arming delay
- 炮弹 (artillery) cannonball; shell; cartridge; bullet 毒气炮弹 gas shell; 炮弹箍 bourrelet; 空炮弹 blank shell; 迫击炮弹 mortar shell; 杀伤炮弹 fragmentation shell; 未爆炮弹 dud shell
- 引信 detonator; fuse; fuze 触发引信 contact fuse; 延期引信 delay fuse
- 核炮弹 nuclear artillery projectile
- 黑炮弹 melichthys niger
- 假炮弹 dummy cartridge; dummy round
- 空炮弹 blank shell
- The analysis on the requirements of the muzzle safety of a projectile fuze