阵地 position; front; battle field; possy 前沿阵地 a forward position; 思想阵地 ideological front; 进入阵地 get into position; 人在阵地在 fight to the death in defence of one's position; hold one's position at all costs; 阵地防御 positional defence; 阵地伏击 positional attack; 阵地构筑 preparation of position; 阵地进攻 [体育] positional attack; 阵地战 positional warfare
Pierre went up to the battery , and the adjutant rode away 皮埃尔向炮兵阵地走去,那副官骑着马走开了。
They rained bombs and rockets on the enemy gun emplacements 他们以炸弹和火箭猛烈袭击了敌人的炮兵阵地。
Artillery location aircraft 炮兵阵地侦察机
General specification of radio for artillery position communication command system 炮兵阵地通信指挥系统无线电台通用规范
According to winters ' after action report , his troops managed to kill or capture 20 german troops out of an estimated total of 40 - 50 germans 根据温特斯战后的行动报告,他的部队在40 - 50名德军组成的炮兵阵地防御中,造成了20名左右的德军伤亡。
Count osterman , with his suite behind the squadron , rode up ; he stopped to say a word to the colonel of the regiment , and rode off to the cannons on the hill 奥斯特曼伯爵带着侍从从骑兵连后边驰过来,停下与团长交谈了几句,就向山上的炮兵阵地驰去。
Two new batteries , to be placed during the night on the plain occupied by the duke of eckmhl , will open fire at dawn on the two opposite batteries of the enemy 在埃克米尔公爵据守的平原上夜间新建的两个炮兵阵地,拂晓要向对面两个敌人的炮兵阵地开火。
At the same time supervise and control the operation of the cannon , then adjusting well to the age need that new facilities develop into fighting power as quick as they can 研究的目的就是为了提高炮兵阵地快反作战能力,同时对火炮操作实施监控,从而更好地适应使新装备尽快形成战斗力的时代要求。
General fouch , in command of the artillery of the 3rd corps , will place all the sixteen howitzers of the 3rd and 8th corps at the flanks of the battery , told off to bombard the left fortification , making forty guns in all aimed against it 第三兵团炮兵司令富歇将军要把第三第八兵团的榴弹炮,共计十六尊,安置在担任轰击敌人左方工事的炮兵阵地两侧,此处共有炮四十尊。
At the same time general pernetti , in command of the artillery of the 1st corps , with thirty cannons of companss division , and all the howitzers of desaix and friants division , will move forward , open fire , and shower shells on the enemys battery , against which there will be at once in action 同时,第一团炮队司令佩尔涅提将军率领康庞的三十尊大炮以及德塞和弗里昂两师的全部榴弹炮,向前推进,开火,用榴弹压倒敌人的炮兵阵地,参加战斗的有: