- testing method for ash content of pattern materials in investment casting
- 灰分 ash content
- 测定 determine; determination; se ...
- 方法 method; means; way; techniqu ...
- 淀粉灰分测定方法 method for determination of ash in starches
- 褐煤蜡灰分测定方法 lignite wax determination of ash content
- 聚酰胺灰分测定方法 polyamides determination of ash
- 淀粉及其衍生物硫酸化灰分测定方法 method for determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived products
- 聚乙烯醇树脂灰分测定方法 determination for ash content of polyvinyl alcohol resins
- 淀粉水分测定方法 method for determination of moisture content in starches
- 农药水分测定方法 testing method of water in pesticides
- 纸浆筛分测定方法 pulps determination of screened components
- 灰分测定 ash determination; ash test; determination of ash
- 灰分测定法 inspection of grain and oilseeds-methods for determination of ash content
- 总灰分测定 tea-determination of total ash content
- 农药乳化剂水分测定方法 method of moisture determination for pesticide emulsifiers
- 温石棉水分测定方法 method for moisture content of chrysotile asbestos
- 食品中灰分的测定方法 method for determination of ash in foods
- 饲料中粗灰分的测定方法 method for the determination of crude ash in feedstuffs
- 塑料灰分通用测定方法 plastics-determination of ash-general methods
- 总灰分测定 总灰分测定 determination of total ash
- 食用菌灰分测定 determination of ash in edible fungi
- 酸不溶性灰分测定 teadetermination of acidinsoluble ash contentent
- 糖液灰分测定器 determinator of ash content for sugar solution
- 涂料灰分测定法 method of test for ashes content in paints by ignition
- 聚乙烯醇树脂挥发分测定方法 determination for volatile matter of polyvinyl alcohol resins
- Method for determination of acid - insoluble ash of pulp
纸浆的酸不溶灰分测定方法 - Determination of ash of polyalkylene terephthalates
聚对苯二甲酸烃酯中灰分测定方法 - Determination for ash content of polyvinyl alcohol resins
聚乙烯醇树脂灰分测定方法 - Method for determination of coal tar pitch ash content
煤沥青灰分测定方法 - Ammonium nitrate - method for determination of sulphated ash
硝酸铵.第4部分:硫酸盐灰分测定方法 - Method for the determination of ash of pulp
纸浆灰分测定方法 - Method for determination of ash in starches
淀粉灰分测定方法 - Lignite wax - determination of ash content
褐煤蜡灰分测定方法 - Polyamides - determination of ash
聚酰胺灰分测定方法 - Method for determination of sulphated ash in starches and derived products