Finally , the calculating programs of the processing method of the tested data by doppler radar of the rocket - assisted cartridge have been programmed and the model of the data processing method and the reliability of calculation have been tested and proved by calculation of actual examples 通过编制火箭增程弹多普勒雷达测试数据处理程序,进行实例计算证明,本文推导的数据处理方法正确可靠。该方法可以用于火箭增程弹多普勒雷达测速数据处理。
In this paper , taking the rocket - assisted cartridge as the research object , systematic analyses and studies have been conducted on its ballistics characteristics . the whole ballistics is divided into three stages . different ballistics models and tested data processing methods have been determined according to the different characteristics on each stage 本文以火箭增程弹为研究对象,在对其弹道特点进行系统的分析研究的基础上,将全弹道分为三段,根据各段不同的特点导出了不同的弹道模型及测试数据处理方法。