- 激情 intense emotion; fervour; pa ...
- 任务 task; job
- 激情 intense emotion; fervour; passion; enthusiasm 满怀激情 be filled with enthusiasm; 燃起激情 kindle the passions; set one's passion aflame; 抑制激情 hold the passion in check
- 虚拟人生:激情释放任务扩充版 the sims: unleashed expansion pack
- 任务 assignment; mission; task; duties; job 接受任务 receive an assignment; accept an assignment; 担负艰巨的任务 shoulder heavy responsibilities; 我们保证完成任务。 we guarantee to fulfil [complete] our mission. 任务重, 时间紧。 the task is hard and we are pressed for time.; 任务观点 get-it-over-and-done-with attitude; perfunctory attitude; routinist point of view
- 唉激情 yeah passion
- 激情,别动 non ti muovere
- 激情,热情 passion, passion
- 激情夜 dangerous touch; night eyes
- 情感,激情 emotion
- 情绪;激情 emotion
- 热情,激情 enthusiasm; passion
- 没有激情,没有激情 theres no passion, theres no passiontheres
- 没有激情,我需要激情 theres no passion, i need passiontheres
- 你需要激情,需要激情 you need passion, we need passion
- 奔放的激情 untamed passions
- 冰爽激情 cool passion
- 冰雪激情 snowboarder
- 病理性激情 pathological affect; pathological emotional outbursts; pathological passion; pathologicalaffect
- 不少搭车,激情 a lot of pretending, passion
- 赤裸激情 wild side
- 充满激情,渴望: have a burning desire / a great passion for
- 穿梭夜激情 night terrors
- 刺激情境 stimulus situation
- 大家搜索,激情 everybody searching, passion