During the early nineteen-fifties a remarkable device known as the maser came into being through the efforts of a number of scientists . 在本世纪五十年代初,通过许多科学家的努力,出现了一种引人注目的器件,叫做微波激射器。
Atomic hydrogen maser 氢原子微波激射器
The realization of atom lasers opens up the new intriguing perspectives in coherent atom optics 原子激射器自产生以来,也一直是科学研究的热点。
" for fundamental work in the field of quantum electronics , which has led to the construction of oscillators and amplifiers based on the maser - laser principle 在量子电子学领域的基础研究成果,为微波激射器激光器的发明奠定理论基础
In the middle eighties of last century , the frequency stability of a rubidium maser reached the highest at that time in the world , and consequently the work won the 1st class national award of science & technology progression 八十年代中期,研制的铷激射器频标稳定度指标创下当时的世界最高水平,荣获国家科技进步一等奖。