- laser principles & technology
- principles of laser
- 激光 laser
- 原理 principle; tenet; axiom; the ...
- 与 take part in; participate in
- 技术 technology; skill; technique ...
- 原理与技术 philosophy and technique
- 激光原理技术 principles & technology of laser
- 成像原理与技术 principles &technique of imaging
- 传感器原理与技术 principles of sensors & sensor technology
- 光纤原理与技术 fibre optical operation &technology
- 通信原理与技术 principle of communication &technology
- 外存储原理与技术 external memory principle &technique
- 激光原理 laser devices & power source; principles of laser
- 功能材料原理与技术 principle and technology of functional materials
- 光子学器件原理与技术 principle and technology of photonics devices
- 深基坑支护原理与技术 support technique and principles for deep excavation
- 无土栽培原理与技术 theories and techniques of soilless culture
- 种子质量检验原理与技术 principles and technology of seed testing
- 红外物理与技术 infrared physics & technology
- 食品业管理与技术 food business management & technology
- 真空物理与技术 vacuum physics technology
- 环境监测管理与技术 the administration and technique of environmental monitoring
- 企业管理与技术经济 enterprise management & technological economy; enterprise management &technologi vcal pggc conomy; enterprise management &technological economy; technological economy
- 实用真空物理与技术 applied vacuum physics and technology
- 激光器件原理与设计 principles of laser devices &design
- 低温技术原理与装置 cryo solid physics; fundamentals of cryo technology & equipment
- Laser principles technology
激光原理与技术 - Laser principles technology