漫游 1.(随意游玩) go on a pleasure trip; roam; knock around; rove; wander 漫游镜泊湖 go boating on or roam around the jingbo lake; 漫游世界 roam about the world; 这是去郊区漫游的最好季节。 this is the best season for a ramble in the suburbs.2.[生态学] nomadism; 漫游癖 wanderlust; 漫游者 ramber; scourer; meanderer
Naturally , regulators stay their hands and roaming prices stay high 所以国家调控自然就对此罢手,漫游费也就居高不下。
Comparing icfs with mobile roaming services , your business can save up to 70 % . if you run errands to japan or korea , we can help you solving the roaming problem 使用全球飞漫游服务,最多可节省70 %以上的手机国际漫游费。如您出差至日本、韩国,更能为您解决中国手机无法漫游的问题。
Besides , vpmn service can give certain favorable treatment to the basic , roaming and total charges , thus saving call charges for businesses and retaining large customers for mobile operators . 3 Vpmn业务可以对集团用户基本费、漫游费、总费用中的一种和多种给予一定程度的话费优惠,为企业节省话费开支,为移动运营商留住大客户奠定了基础。
The user can classify calls into , for example , closed user group calls , intra - network calls , outside network calls and inter - network calls . mobile operators can give certain favorable treatment to the basic , roaming and total charge on a discounted , fixed or flat - rate basis , depending on different call classes . besides , different tariffs may be established on the basis of duration and location of calls made and received 优惠方式可以为按折扣率优惠,可以为按指定费率优惠,其中基本费、漫游费的折扣率或指定费率都可以单独设定;也可以按包月的方式进行计费,还可以按主被叫通话的时间和位置设置不同的资费。