漂泊江湖 lead a wandering life all over the country; 漂泊四海 rove over sea and land; 漂泊生活 a vagrant life; 从一城市漂泊到另一城市 rove from one city to another; 漂泊异乡 wander aimlessly in a strange land; 在海上四处漂泊 drift about in the sea; 那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子。 the ship drifted helplessly for a time.; 漂泊者 vagabond
The ship drifted helplessly for a time . 那艘船孤零无依地漂泊了一阵子。
Your wandering girl is fine and happy . 您那漂泊江湖的女儿很好,很快乐。
Nachman and laura had been wandering up and down europe . 纳克曼和劳拉在欧洲到处漂泊。
He turns you adrift on the world with surprising alacrity . 他以令人惊奇的喜爱任你在世上漂泊。
She was drifting about europe, so handicapped and lonely 她就这样无依无靠,这样孤零零地在欧洲漂泊。
Some people enjoy that kind of life , drifting from pillar to post . 有些人喜欢这种生活,到处漂泊游荡。
His wanderings were partly prompted by civil and ecclesiastical disturbances . 他生活漂泊不定,部分是因为国内和教会的混乱。
He was tired of knocking about, of pulling the devil by the tail, of shifts and intrigues . 他一直到处漂泊,在贫困中挣扎,耍手腕、搞诡计,实在厌倦了。
Years at sea, however, took melville far from the familiar world of new york and albany . 可是梅尔维尔多年在海上漂泊,这就使他远离了纽约和奥尔巴尼那个熟悉的世界。
I feel like one who was toiling home barefoot from distant travel, and whose wanderings had lasted many years . 我觉得自己象是个异乡绝域漂泊多年的人,如今光着脚板,涉水跋山,千里迢迢地归来了。