- abuse of the power of agency
- 滥用 abuse; misuse; use indiscrim ...
- 代理权 procuration; power of attorn ...
- 代理权 a power of attorney; attorneyship; authority of agency; dealership; power of agency; power of procuration; proxy; right of agency; right of representation
- 共用代理人 common nominee
- 使用代理 use proxy; user agent
- 应用代理 application proxy
- 必要代理权 agency of necessity
- 表见代理权 apparent authority
- 超越代理权 beyond the scope of the power of agency; exceeds (one’s) power of agency
- 撤销代理权 revoke a power of attorney
- 代理权,介绍费 procuration
- 代理权条款 power of attornet clause
- 代理权限 delegated authority
- 代理权终止 the expiration of one‘s power of agency
- 独家代理权 exclusive agency listing; the sole agency
- 法定代理权 right of legal representation
- 广告代理权 advertising franchise
- 基本代理权 primary powers
- 律师代理权 power of attorney
- 没有代理权 has no power of agency
- 名义代理权 ostensible authority
- 默认代理权 implied authority
- 让与代理权 transfer the power
- 商业代理权 trade agency
- 特别代理权 special authority