滑坡 1.(地表斜坡上大量土石整体下滑现象) hill-creep; landslide; landslip;2.(下滑; 下降) go steadily downhill; slide downhill 某些地区的生产在滑坡。 the production in some areas went steadily downhill
防滑坡道 non-slip ramp; ramp with nonslip surface; ramp with slipresistant surface
Two - dimensional mechanical model of high - speed landslides 二维高速滑坡力学模型
On the base of the data , itgices some useful design plans to reinforce the coast . then it generally analysis and evaluates the construction measures of the coast . at last this article analysis the sensitivity of different kinds of rock and soil , and researches the theory of physical destroy of the road entrenchment coast . the method which is given in the article is useful to the similar coast 文中还对滑坡体各类岩土参数进行了敏感性分析,并对张清公路路堑滑坡力学破坏机制进行了重点研究。本文提出的滑坡治理设计方法对治理类似滑坡有指导作用。